Saturday, July 13, 2013

None Existing Internet And Crashing Programs

Hello, the world! Its me; Julie!
Right now I'm angry. Want to know why?
It all started this morning... OK, really, it was around 6 pm... When I woke up...
I had, somehow, moved over to this bunny girl, in my sleep. Anyhow...
I sat up and stretched - like I always do.
Then I yawned... ...and rubbed my eyes.
Then mom grabbed me and we went up to post a blog post. Then we saw it ...
How could you possibly survive without internet?!
We decided to try and edit a video instead.
But got stuck when we realized that we needed internet to download the song we needed for the video...
Then we decided to edit a trailer for the video instead. It went well until... It crashed.
It's loading right now, but hopefully it got saved!
Wish us best of luck! We will need it - electronics seem to hate us!

Also, you might wonder how we can write this if we don't have internet? Well, grandma isn't hated by the electronic world and we're using her phone to post this...

Also also; would anyone like a post about how to survive without internet?

- An Angry Giraffe Named Julie Hightops.

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